Sunday, August 31, 2008

THE HILL.... NOT "The Hills"

Free concert on the West Lawn of the Capital anyone? Yea.... That's what I thought =)

Tonight I went to the National Symphony Orchestra's Labor Day concert on the lawn.  Free is always a bonus, and it was my first glimpse of Downtown D.C. and THE HILL, where I'll hopefully be spending a lot of my time during the weeks to come.  The music was really great, I haven't been to an orchestra performance since I was IN the orchestra.

One thing that really struck me was that to open the show they, of course, played the National Anthem.  Everyone (easily 2,000+ people) stood up, turned towards the Capital building and the flag, took their hats off, placed their hands over their heart and sang along to the anthem.  It's obvious to me that Patriotism and displaying great pride in being an American is not just a cliche here, it's really heartfelt and a way of life.  I'm not sure why that surprised me, maybe it's that New England Sarcasm and jaded sense of society everyone keeps telling me I have because I'm from CT.  They call it jaded, I call it realistic lol.  Oh well.... The NSO played a variety of songs from cartoon numbers to a huge medley of South Pacific numbers.  It definitely made me miss you MOM, I could literally picture you sitting on the blanket next to me, singing to the orchestra OUT LOUD.... I know, you just can't help yourself sometimes =)

The west lawn tonight..... Click to see the full view!


You would think that after being here for almost one week I would be overwhelmed with work and due dates and projects for TWC.  This, however, is not the case!  My first day of work is not until Wednesday, the 3rd so I've just been settling in and lazily exploring my new city.  

Last night My roommate and I, and a few other interns checked out the Adams Morgan district.  It's supposed to be one of the most diverse and exciting neighborhoods in DC.  It definitely did not disappoint.  It took us about an hour and half to figure out where we wanted to eat because we were overwhelmed with all of the not-so-average choices.  We ended up eating at a little Indian place and the food was fantastic... a slight departure from that good 'ole chicken, rice and green beans I'm so found of ;) (Note the sarcasm.... DAD).

Then we hit up the most famous, or should I say infamous joint in Adams Morgan.... Madams Organ.  Yes, you read that right.  Its a ridiculously eclectic bar with live music every night.  The scene was extremely diverse, the music was incredible (bluesy jam session type deal) and the drinks were strong and inexpensive.... HELLO, intern heaven!  TWC interns and I have received some skeptical looks when being carded at the door or trying to order a drink at a bar and getting carded.  There were 7 of us last night, and every single one of us is from a different state or country.... We represented Connecticut, Oregon, Hawaii, Iowa, China, Massachusetts, and Ohio! Here's a little look at the place.

Click on the Pics for a bigger view.  Madam's Organ is the bar with the lovely Redheaded lady on the side.  After the music we stopped at one more place that had a little more upscale, political atmosphere.  I MEAN.... where else can you order a PARTISAN COCKTAIL?  We had the option of enjoying an OBAMA RAMA (colored blue) or a SUGAR MCAIN (which was red).  I wonder what the independents tend to order? Even drinking is political here ha.  

Friday, August 29, 2008


I think I've caught the D.C. fever.....

Last night I watched the DNC with my roommates and sat riveted to the TV while Barack Obama delivered a speech that was truly inspiring.  I can't put into words how exciting it is to be in the city that is literally the epicenter for all of this political buzz.  It's amazing.  With a democratic majority on the Hill and a possible Democratic President, I hope to be in DC to really see the national CHANGE that will likely come about! ANYWAY.....

I went out last night with one of my roomates and ran some errands around the center.  Here's a few twinkley pictures of the town center all lit up and night.  

We had yet another orientation today; I signed up to volunteer for Obama's Campaign.  This weekend I'm free as a bird.  I plan to sleep in (SHOCKER, i know) and hopefully explore the city a little more if this rain will ever stop.  I think maybe I'll go check the White House out, ya know see what Good 'ole George Dubya is up to ;) and then probably scope out my route to work so I won't be all late and confused on my first day Tuesday.  

Also, just a heads up.... One of the speakers today mentioned that if you network with the right people in DC you'll probably be invited to several GALAS that will be happening this fall.... I'm gonna go work on that....In the twinkle of a young girls eye! 

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Here's a little look at where I'll be sleeping every night.  I doubt I'll have time to do much else in my swanky new home ;).  I will post some pictures of the town square when the sun comes back!

The living room.......
Kitchen table.....

My bed/side of the master bedroom....

The view of the library

Master Bathroom...

The D.C. Intern: Trying to look the part

Items necessary for D.C. Survival: Metro Fare guide, MacBook(thank you Auntie Lo and Uncle Jeff!!!!), STARBUCKS



I moved in to Rockville Town Square yesterday, and it was well worth the wait! My apartment is beyond gorgeous, and the town square is a perfect mix of bars, restaurants, shops and a huge state of the art library that I can see directly into from all of my windows. (PICS TO FOLLOW SOON) Yes, I'm a nerd... I already tried to get my library card; but was sadly denied because I don't have proof of address yet.  In time ladies and gentlemen, in time!

Orientation for my program: Advocacy, Service and Arts was this morning.  The Washington Center (TWC) building is off the Dupont Circle stop and the area is beautiful.  I Love it.  I'll post pics of that too when it's not so drizzly outside.  As I got off the metro stop, I turned the corner, looked up past some buildings and saw the Washington Monument all tall and historic; it was surreal.  Very cool to say the least.  After orientation I got to know more of my peers and was truly excited by the diversity represented in our group and the ease in which we all talked about politics, religion, the arts, international affairs etc.... a far cry from a state university in New Britain, CT.  

The outlook.... beyond promising.  
I will post again with some pictures tonight.  Thank you to all 4 of you who are reading this ***wink*** wink

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


For anyone who would like to know more about the Non Profit Organization I'll be working with, please visit the Girls Inc. Home-page at  It's a great resource for discovering what this organization does on a day to day basis to encourage young girls to be "Strong, Smart and Bold".  You can also find out more information about the Washington Center Programs at

I will keep you updated with the other Women's Organization's I'll be working with that are members of the legislative coalition that Girls Inc. belongs to.  


So here it is....My first blog.

Today marks the one week point until I will be living and working in Washington D.C with TWC (The Washington Center).  I have no idea what to expect, and yet, I find myself full of expectations for what I want to accomplish during my time in "the district".  That's right kids, I'm working on the fancy DC lingo already!  

It's about time for me to leave Southington, CT to see if my big ideas and not so fanciful outlook on our government matches up with the reality I'll be living in DC.  If I'm going to make a difference in the lives of young girls and women, if I'm going to work towards making equality between the sexes not just a goal but a reality, if I'm going to get my hands dirty and see what legislating and governing REALLY means, if I'm going to work for FREE....Washington DC is the ONLY place to do it from. 

I hope I can keep this blog up to date for all of my family and friends (or the occasional interested stranger).  The next 6 months should prove to be the most exciting days of my life so far.  So wish me luck, check in every now and again...I'll see you in the DISTRICT!!!!

***Photo by marceonline, flickr***