Friday, August 29, 2008


I think I've caught the D.C. fever.....

Last night I watched the DNC with my roommates and sat riveted to the TV while Barack Obama delivered a speech that was truly inspiring.  I can't put into words how exciting it is to be in the city that is literally the epicenter for all of this political buzz.  It's amazing.  With a democratic majority on the Hill and a possible Democratic President, I hope to be in DC to really see the national CHANGE that will likely come about! ANYWAY.....

I went out last night with one of my roomates and ran some errands around the center.  Here's a few twinkley pictures of the town center all lit up and night.  

We had yet another orientation today; I signed up to volunteer for Obama's Campaign.  This weekend I'm free as a bird.  I plan to sleep in (SHOCKER, i know) and hopefully explore the city a little more if this rain will ever stop.  I think maybe I'll go check the White House out, ya know see what Good 'ole George Dubya is up to ;) and then probably scope out my route to work so I won't be all late and confused on my first day Tuesday.  

Also, just a heads up.... One of the speakers today mentioned that if you network with the right people in DC you'll probably be invited to several GALAS that will be happening this fall.... I'm gonna go work on that....In the twinkle of a young girls eye! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kath I am so impressed and jealous. you sound so energetic and devoted to everything your doing. That makes me Happy. Can't wait to see you. Love Cass