Thursday, August 28, 2008


Here's a little look at where I'll be sleeping every night.  I doubt I'll have time to do much else in my swanky new home ;).  I will post some pictures of the town square when the sun comes back!

The living room.......
Kitchen table.....

My bed/side of the master bedroom....

The view of the library

Master Bathroom...

The D.C. Intern: Trying to look the part

Items necessary for D.C. Survival: Metro Fare guide, MacBook(thank you Auntie Lo and Uncle Jeff!!!!), STARBUCKS


Anonymous said...

I'm reading this too, so you better start saying hi to me!!!! You know I need my attention! lol. So so so so so proud of you kath, you and your apartment are gorgeous!! Cant wait to see some of those "girl on the hill" outfits!! Love and miss you so much!!!

-Stace xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Ummm, yeah. That place is smokin'!
Love you, miss you, hope you are doing well. I was home alone last night and had no one to come over and visit me. It's a sad state of affairs!

Anonymous said...

Love being able to see you on your blogspot. Keep those pictures coming,Kat. The rain that you had is coming our way now. Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!
Love, Mom


he rain that you had is headed this way!