Sunday, August 31, 2008


You would think that after being here for almost one week I would be overwhelmed with work and due dates and projects for TWC.  This, however, is not the case!  My first day of work is not until Wednesday, the 3rd so I've just been settling in and lazily exploring my new city.  

Last night My roommate and I, and a few other interns checked out the Adams Morgan district.  It's supposed to be one of the most diverse and exciting neighborhoods in DC.  It definitely did not disappoint.  It took us about an hour and half to figure out where we wanted to eat because we were overwhelmed with all of the not-so-average choices.  We ended up eating at a little Indian place and the food was fantastic... a slight departure from that good 'ole chicken, rice and green beans I'm so found of ;) (Note the sarcasm.... DAD).

Then we hit up the most famous, or should I say infamous joint in Adams Morgan.... Madams Organ.  Yes, you read that right.  Its a ridiculously eclectic bar with live music every night.  The scene was extremely diverse, the music was incredible (bluesy jam session type deal) and the drinks were strong and inexpensive.... HELLO, intern heaven!  TWC interns and I have received some skeptical looks when being carded at the door or trying to order a drink at a bar and getting carded.  There were 7 of us last night, and every single one of us is from a different state or country.... We represented Connecticut, Oregon, Hawaii, Iowa, China, Massachusetts, and Ohio! Here's a little look at the place.

Click on the Pics for a bigger view.  Madam's Organ is the bar with the lovely Redheaded lady on the side.  After the music we stopped at one more place that had a little more upscale, political atmosphere.  I MEAN.... where else can you order a PARTISAN COCKTAIL?  We had the option of enjoying an OBAMA RAMA (colored blue) or a SUGAR MCAIN (which was red).  I wonder what the independents tend to order? Even drinking is political here ha.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My chicken, rice, and green beans is a good meal!!
